This is a series of love.
~ For I don’t hate-love-story!
I decided to sit near the window, so that I could get a better view. Well it was only an excuse and everyone knew about it; that I actually sat beside him in the class and he was sitting near the window.
While he was writing, I swiftly took away his pencil, to a bit annoy him!
“What?” He asked getting a bit annoyed.
“ a wink” I expressed shamelessly!
O yeah I can do that..!!
Expect anything from our generation guys..!
We have this common consent that we are liberal and have this freedom to choose whatever we wished to dream and also accept the consequences willingly of our proposed naughty thoughts. That is how I celebrate my freedom of expression!
But the matter of fact is I'm like a little child with him and simply unembarrassed at any silliest of moments!
“It will take only a step, for you to get little more close to me but it will take same one step for me to cross all the limitations!” I thought. took just a realisation to accept him as a vital part
of my
life... I was suddenly all over. With that extra vibe and zest in life to let do anything which was a chance or a serious risk. Since I knew in my mind and acknowledge the fact that I was being loved and supported.
They say it takes like a lifetime to actually find someone who would genuinely love you. But for me it was only about a realisation when I hopelessly accepted him to be a part of my life. Perhaps a part of my life that was the most vital and sweetest one, I guess!
~ Early winters last year when after a long time really long time...I got in touch with him...I hardly knew how things would shape but I wanted to replicate the patterns of happiness and friendship we used to have in our relationship, long back!
It was cold outside yet the thoughts of his made me warm inside. A fog that covered the whole world, the same mist captured my heart and confined from sinking. I knew from the beginning that it will be a long story. And I wanted it to last too with a twist of love...which puts indeed everything so straight touching the cords of heart.
I knew I was supposed to take the level up with the kind of conversation we were trying to put yet it dint matter as I was very determined even in the first line when I said to him,
“Come on call me now!”
As soon as we were brought together by the social network to the real visible one to one chat, we decided to speak which just sparked. I was dominating and very aggressive with my words. And he confused trying to talk liberally but with a hesitation of the strange year’s gap and no conversation link up.
..sometimes we act so silly only in an attempt to look smart in the basic moments
of ourlife...
I know, most of the time we act so stupidly...yet at the fundamental moments in life. Especially when we take so much of pain to be ourselves and to know the other person who is definitely the dearest one.of ourlife...
We basically don’t want to hurt them.
We definitely don’t want them to leave us, now when we have met again by destiny. Okay now how come destiny took all the credits, I wonder. I made those silly effort to get in touch back and fate is believed to play the fair game...this ofcourse annoys me a bit!
“How is life?” he asked
(Knowing I was fine and leading a good life...yet it is just a formal may to start a conversation and should be appreciated in every way...)
“I’m fine, how is your life!” I said
(I always knew he would lead a good life since he was good person at heart, I perhaps also knew he have his own life and huge changes for his betterment yet I wanted to ask and know actually if he missed me sometime some day by chance at least...)
“Life is good!” he said with strength of mind!
And I always appreciated his fortitude of believing in things.
“Did you miss me tell me the truth...” I said with conviction.
(No more beating behind the bushes, I wanted to talk business no matter what the consequence is. He could get annoyed and call of the talk off or can get honest and speak his heart! Choice he has to make today or never.)
“We often make weird walls against our loved ones...not because we don’t want them to be near to us yet we think the wall will secure them and they might never leave us. A kind of insane way to believe, indeed!
I made the same kind of wall. And I could not latter when I wanted to, could not break the wall but I had to take a step up...climb and cross all the hurdles...perhaps which were created by me only.
..sometimes we need to cross all the hurdles
take a step up only to taste the sweet thing...
They see it as a blunder but I call it the sweetest thing I did for myself, profess _ I'M in love!
“I missed you”, he said with an urge.
(I could feel the pain and agony in his words yet I wanted him to speak more not because I want to hear about myself but want to know if he thinks of me, is he sure of his own thoughts!)
“A long pause....!!!”
(A pause that felt like crossing bridges of all the years and seasons that passed. It felt as a time-machine moving back in the pappy-love era yet coming forth with a realisation of present!)
“I missed you too” I replied after a long pause...
..yet with same passion and keenness to talk more.
SO here goes the shining ball of the party!!
Where I not just had a conversation, me saying - him hearing but just few created a long lasting relationship. Something which was lacking for years, something which was subconsciously in our mind but since there were no stars playing there game we choose our own decisions to lead without being with together. prayers are answered whenever I hear words pouring
for me...
We had nothing to regret we were happy in our own least that what we said and meant then. Yet human nature is such that one always craves for more, this time I wanted him to say more and I wanted me to do more!for me...
Indeed I have to be sure of what I want in life since it’s a pious moment where if I ask for something else valuable I would get that, I knew it.
It’s like my consistent prayers are being answered, as I hear his words pouring for me. Prayers when with all my heart only wished good for him, never begged for anything selfish means but believing at heart-core with a hope that I will get when the time is right for me and what I owe will be mine, some decent day!
“Keep in touch with me!” we concluded our talks!
“All we wanted and wished was sharing our words, our little humble world and our stories and perhaps share our mind!
Indeed it was not about the physical thing. Yet with all that good positive philosophy, we cannot ignore the fact we wanted to meet, touch, feel and share the most adoring kiss and share the warmest hug with the one we love so much! Ahhh...! Right now kisses are only stolen breaths!
“Do u still miss me....I see no Hiccups!” I teasingly often said to him.
But now when we are together and going really strong surprisingly, we still choose and respect our individual life yet have 'our little world of me and you' as the back-up to fight all the odds in life.
Seriously, being loved and to be in love is the best feeling in life. Especially when we know there is nothing that can go wrong or against us! By default it just comes being fearless and face the world and standing beside each other unconditionally.
Loving gives a courage as a validate reason of having the integrity to make correct choices when other things might appear easier and intimidating.
I say this because my fear of unknown disappears when I’m with him.
It’s when I’m a leading man in his life..I like the way being bold strong aggressive in approach!!
You call me ‘mini Hitler’, I won’t mind at all, my sweet love!
I like taking responsibility when I see he just take the whole weird world off my shoulders with a sweet smile. His cutest way of making me feel special just takes me to different planet where I have no fear and I get true to myself. Perhaps I’m true to myself when I’m with him.
is true
when I'M withyou..
I still have a lot to share with him. All those things which happened when he was around but only in mind and thoughts...still to tell a lot! I will never say that he was not around since he was always there...wishing good for me even if it was from a distance.whole
is true
when I'M withyou..
I don’t claim to be the best but I’m trying to be good, which itself is a huge task. I might be smart but I’m not mean but trying to a more meaningful in life, trying to discover something better yet beautiful in me!
“You look different today...or it just that I noticed something new!”
He cracked one day with a slight sweet curve on his perfect lips.
I think, I do good and think all good when he is around.
And even when he is not physically around I hear his voice, which echo in mind all the time. Yet sometimes thought passes, is being so much blindfolded faith okay, yet I know when I doubt, its only for myself not on him.
He is still the most influential person of my life and I choose to go one more spin on one toe at his tune anytime for him!
“I was always that nice (trying to be generous)and beautiful (trying to be mean too same time)!
You never noticed, perhaps! ” I said overruling the boundary!
I don’t understand....when we LOVE someone...why are we thinking of boundaries and limitations so much...why can’t we just love! Why just we can’t be together cherishing past and celebrating the present! Why can’t we just be you and me for miles where we have a little good time!
Love definitely brings the best in you forward. I see that every time.
“I want to run anytime towards him and give a tight hug. Return to my childhood with him and play those silly games, cheat and win, winning yet let him win sometimes, fly kites, cycle, go gym together, make breakfast in kitchen, do everything that is enough of pleasure and joy before I grew "old" and miss the game. I want us to be able to chase one another around the room, have a good pillow fights, and wrestle, cuddle. I want us to tease one another even if that means I'll shed tears getting irritated, I want to share silly jokes, and dilute the rough edge of life, the seriousness and stress of a working day with the magical spell of humor and a charming smile to treasure each day!
“I have never been loved and appreciated so much...Don’t pamper me so will spoil me like you did to kids! ” he said in a serious tone that day.
I wonder how my love will spoil you for I will love you forever with no conditions applied.
It’s not the way that I deserve you but what I think and believe that I perhaps owe you!!
And when the feeling of owing or something comes, one just can’t let it go and losing is something you can’t even think of. magic
in every move
I see miracle
when i'm inlove...
Okay we dint try as usual couple and hang around. We never had a chance to know each other ever. But life has something else every move
I see miracle
when i'm inlove...
I think we need not make effort to know each other as we have accepted as we are and appreciate that in every little way. But we shared the same sentiments for each other and things and also had kind of same priorities in life to fulfill.
There is definitely something celestial goes when we are together or thinking of each other. There is a mutual magic and I feel miracle in every move and I mean that with all of my heart!
“You are getting old. You should take care in winters...are you or you need a good dose again!”
I said owing responsibility.
~ Time just flies.
Sometimes fussing and fighting on silly stops but being forever in love was the part to understand each other better. We saw each other growing old, liking the wrinkles and probably disliking the grey hair.
Though, I feel more healthier and happier being in love.
But how amazing is love, it never grows old and probably every time brings back you youth in the passion.
..a cute clue
that changes
life for
ever is sweetlove...
I will never forget the sweet time we had then. Again thinking it brings the same smile and happiness. Accepting and embracing are my constant companions while I’m still in love.that changes
life for
ever is sweetlove...
I still feel that cottage, the smell if the bamboo wall, the flame warming souls; long walk together forever into the crimson sunset under the maple shade. It’s like a cool wave of the breeze every time I think.
The best thing I learnt being in love is to never give up and perhaps never loses faith.
"Do you still love me?" Still every time I like to ask him.
"I Love You!" he said convincingly!
Okay I ask not because I have any kind of doubt or have lack of trust but honestly, every time I ask, and every time he say "I Love You!" heart just jumps with joy!
The kind of conviction every time he show to prove that he still loves me the same way he used to when we first met, is so amazing to watch on his face reflecting care and concern. Hence, I don't mind even if he gets annoyed of repeatedly asking same thing but its just that I Love to hear, feeling so refreshed every time...perhaps who doesn't love to be loved genuinely generously!
“And indeed,when I'm loved...I need to be told that I'm loved and showed in every little gesture and more that you missed me and love me the most! A silent-sweet-love perhaps wont please or impress that much this brat princess!!
Love always made me hopeful and helped me to endure through every circumstance. Indeed, life has its own way to give you message and have its own plans for you and not in high-sounding words but in more of silence the life professes the love of your life.
I’m so glad that we were able to crack the code and read that clue which completely changed my life!
"That’s how the sweet thing is and my sweetheart is!"
She concluded with a husky tone, some silence and a sacred tear passing through her cheek.
“ There was a stunned silence, followed by soft giggling, then loud giggling and finally outright laughter. Kids could not stop smiling as she stopped telling the love-story of her life!
They think their gorgeous grandmother did not probably do much insane in her youth to her love like today’s youth does yet she did a lot to preserve and still serve her lover the best...with sweet words and that’s more killing!
~ However one cannot ignore other side of the story that old yet gorgeous grandmother was still sweet princess at her heart, professing her perfect sweet love!
Note: the picture above belongs to my very close friends. I want to heartily thank for their contribution and immense love they share with me.
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