About Me

More of ME and bit of blog..

to begin with

I'm Rachana, the meaning of my name in English is Creation.
I’m twenty eight-something, spent life studying around at different places in India: Touched almost all the edges of directions, Mathura(Uttar Pradesh) - Baroda(Gujarat)- Guwahati(Assam) - Gwalior(Madhya Pradesh) - Bangalore(Karnataka)at present.

I love travelling!
My favourite destination in India is Kerela in rainy season and colorful Rajasthan any season. I love Philadelphia city's artistic view and North Caroline region for its great hospitality. I wish to visit Italy and other European places some day. Want to pick the grapes from the vineyards, sip wines, eat slice of cheese and know History!

I do everything and shall do anything for Two beings in this world that is My Mom and Paa!
Married Happily and Happily Married to a Generous Computer Enthusiast past four years-something.

Writing Stories, creating prose, painting dreams, sketching imagination and accomplishing them gives me immense happiness and I feel it so worth being creative.

Recently I started writing Haiku at 'Creation of Hymns' and other mini posts. However, I'm more inclined for long posts/articles and you will find such lengthy posts in plenty in this Blog. I also got more into love-lines prose presenting with Bollywood movies romantic shots. Most of them do not rhyme but I'm enjoying the soft strokes of lines in the canvas of words.

My foremost motive which recently I have discovered is ‘Live with Passion – Live Your Passions’.

I encourage and appreciate the creative side of people. I’m committed to care, colors, creativity, compassion and change. By the way I’m gifted with artistic hand in genes, so enjoy sketching.

I am working on a project called 'Love Unconditionally'!
Also, Love who you are. Love how you are. You are beautiful..
Wonder why in school everything elsewhere is taught but not taught to love thyself!

I love hearing music when I’m at work. It keeps me pep. Music to me is the magnificent marker to memories. To my favourite song, I might just keep hearing the same song over and over again and yet again.

I’m a passionate foodie. I love going into deep details of cooking, spices, textures, flavours, aroma and cuisines.

Well wanna know some super secretes which is now no more a squirrel away, my favourite letters are not the letters by which my name starts R and S. I love them but I love B and C more. I love this whole creepy thing and love figuring out such creative common points like my first name has seven letters and my second name have nine letters, which interestingly follows my date of birth too.
I was born on 07/09 September.

I love rains, after rain rainbow, butterflies excites me; small things are special for me. I believe in daily delights.

Just like in Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna being told by his chariot driver, Lord Krishna about the necessity of following his duty as a warrior and fighting in a battle against his relatives.
And similarly like Channa, (Channa - The Divine Charioteer (Pali: Channa; Sanskrit: Chandaka) the chariot driver, taking Prince Siddhārtha Gautama out on a journey through the city. When Prince Siddhārtha saw persons who were sick, old, dead, and ascetic, it was Channa who explained to him what they were. In this way, Buddha came to identify clearly the true suffering that everyone experiences and a possible way out of it. And became Lord Buddha or as Śhākyamuni (Sage of the Śhākyas) the great Preacher and a teacher.

There is a sort of similarity and a deeper significance between Hindu Mythology and Buddhist to go beyond our comfortable life with what is familiar and never forsaking our duty to discover the truth. "In each case, the chariot represents, perhaps, a vehicle of mind leading to liberation and the chariot driver’s words would then represent the driving force that propels this vehicle, namely the truth about reality."Ref.Life_Shakyamuni

I believe, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. By Helen Keller” Similarly we simple human beings with complicated thoughts need a Cheerleader, a motivator in life. A divine Charioteer who would guide us through the path unknown and assist us during mini messes of moments only to ebb and flow naturally. Sometimes, the Charioteer are the truly little quotes and words of accomplished people which give a complete new definition to life and sometimes it just the unfamiliar stranger’s words and voices to us in bus/train/plane while travelling echo and creates a new dimension in life.

I’m not religious person by nature. I’m only referring the above to put my words in best shape and generous understanding. I do not dislike religion. I think religion is a strong belief. I'm respectful the religious people only until they do not enforce their religion or rituals by any means.
I like this basic thought of having a faith, either having on Almighty or someone you can purely trust in human or presence.
I’m an integrated human who speaks five Indian languages including English!
I absolutely dislike when there is a question, ‘Where do you belong?’
When, my reply is always ‘India’, then there is very fussy layers of questions arising like ‘Where in India?’ Please do not get into my nerves or into my roots!
I’m a being and belong to the same world you breathe in!
Between life is a carnival and we must celebrate and cherish, Keep the Spark ALive..
I decided to move on!
Move on with the Memories..wholeheartedly..
To know more of me, how I take up things in daily life and what's humming today in my mind..

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Need more than 140 characters? E-mail me at rachana.shakyawar@gmail.com