"The average Pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser so move on and draw out your Plan on paper make changes if necessary using eraser. The Pencil with the Lead, leads through the basics in Life to Learn."
Ones there was a Pencil-Maker. Every time, the Pencil-Maker made the Pencil, he gave each pencil a personal special attention and care during the making process. For the Pencil Maker, His made each Pencil was very special and dear to Him.
The Pencil-Maker took each at a time one pencil aside to talk and share the wisdom. He helped the Pencil to understand the life after it enters the world. So just before keeping the Pencil inside the box, the Pencil-Maker said the Five-Must to do, when it enters the world. These Five-Musts shall make the Pencil, the Best. These Five-Musts are the purpose in life...
The Pencil will be allowed to do many great and creative things, only if the Pencil allows itself to be in Someone’s hands.
The Pencil shall be allowed or rather shall be able to correct any mistake made.- The Pencil shall be going through an experience of pain, every time while sharpening. This process shall always make it a better pencil.
The most important part of the pencil shall always be inside it.- No matter what the surface is used o write, the pencil will have to leave its mark and must continue to write.
The pencil promised that it shall never forget the Five-Musts and shall continue to follow the points under any circumstance to become the Best-Pencil. With such promising note, the Pencil went inside the box.
Now, just by replacing the pencil with “WE” (Human-Being). Understand the Five-Musts and become the Best person in the world.
We (Human-Being) shall be allowed to do as many great and creative things, only if we allow you to be held in God’s hand. And also allow others to access our capabilities and abilities to explore the world.
We (Human-Being), will always get a chance to correct our mistakes made. This shall allow us to accept our mistakes and learn from them.
We (Human-Being), will be going through many problems in life hence will have to go through a painful sharpening process from time to time. This process shall make us a stronger person to lead life.
The most important part of us is inside us, hence one need to explore the best of our blessed talent and aspirations.
No matter where we stand or walk, we must be able to leave our marks with our deeds. Under any circumstance and situations, we must be able to perform our duties.
Like the Pencil understood and promised to remember the Five-Musts, in the same way “We (Human-Being)” must also not forget the Purpose of life. We must also remember that each one of us is special unique individuals who are born to fulfill and accomplish the purpose of life following the Five-Musts.
The Five-Musts is an attempt to try to be the best as can be and hope that is the best ever. Remember there is indeed nothing which cannot be changed or rectified. One mush believe that God will not give "Me" anything I can't handle. So no more worries.
My life is significant. I don’t have to further fear for my mistakes as ironically I think; only those who do nothing make no mistakes. It’s better to have sharpened our pencil and hope that God doesn't turn it over and use the eraser.
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he/she has overcome strongly. So after being sharpened so much in life, I have turned to be a strong person.
A fresh look at what we normally take for granted brings outs the creativity. This time it is the lean thin Pencil with loads of power that took my heart away to ponder some lengths of life.
"Patience-Perfection-Painstaking-Power-Penmanship-Praise-Participate-Paper-Problem Solving-Picture-Painting-Profession all lead with the -Pencil- how to hold and grip in the little hands with tiny fingers, taught by parents and teachers in the childhood. "
I want to thank heartily all my Teachers of Sacred Heart School-Mathura, GREMS-Baroda, K.V.(IOC),Noonmati-Guwahati, IHM-Guwahati, IITTM-Gwalior, who gave me something to take home to think about besides the homework. There have been some of the really true teachers who taught and still teach from the heart, not from the book, “Parents” are the best example. So a silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone, if you CAN Read the above short story than stand up and salute to the teachers and say Thank you for teaching. This short story heard in the childhood, mean a lot this day.
Happy Teachers Day!
(NOTE: Above drawing made by self. © rachi creations.. )
Celebrate Life..
"I write the blog
not because
I need to but because
I want to."
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I am totally speechless girl. Awesome.