14 September, 2015

Haiku Hope

It's been really a long time but this word 'Hope' just gave me that hope that being back promptly wasn't that difficult. Although I won't be able to participate in the prompt link but I just having my presence and perseverance on this page for me is so worth & satisfying!!

Need to thank couple of my loving blogger friend from the bottom of my heart for just being there for always!!!

Never Less than more
Hope I'm not asking too much
Attentions dear peace!


  1. Attention peace!
    You concluded it so well, Racha :)
    I really really hope to read more blogposts from you.


    1. Thanks SimJoy! Means a lot. It's been ages to get back on this age. I almost forgot my password, at dot time complete it but couldn't enter the prompt. But honestly no regrets. All I wanted to write on the blog page. I did not stop writing though as I do come up from time to time on Bihu updates. But somehow I wanted to be away from blogger for some time as I thought it's very addictive yet satisfying but can't afford the divided attention! Phew, peace at last... So now you get it... The essence behind the word & the haiku.

      Your words means s lot means simply a lot any thing right now. Thankyou & warm hugs!!!

  2. When was the last time you did something for the first time in blogging arena .... Hope the humming takes a leap beyond horizons ...

  3. You are creepy and I'm creative that definitely takes us to leap beyond Horizons..lol


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