16 May, 2009

Ragging - myths that menace

Ragging is morally wrong. No ifs and No buts. It is just wrong. Ragging is dirty and disgusting.I was young, enthusiastic and innocent just a school passed out girl. Going to the college was very much new and exciting to me. Literary, I had no knowledge of what does “Seniors” mean. I thought, I was the new aspiring student of college. But the moment I entered the Institute, I realized, I was a "junior"/fresher...
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09 May, 2009

Bit of Beauty – Butterfly Story

“ Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life. And everyone deserves a little sunshine.” ~Jeffrey Glassberg We have little bits of nature scattered around, the shells, pebbles, flowers, butterflies. Every time I see awe-inspiring butterfly I can't help but think of the incredible change it has undergone, and that just...
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