27 February, 2010

Hello Honey - 55fiction #06

Note: 55 Fictions is precise form of micro-fiction that refers to the works of fiction limited to a maximum of fifty-five words. HELLO honey! ~ 55fiction Since evening; HE has made call at least seven times, . Desperately yet another time he tries luck and calls in an hour again. . I took the handset in my hand and.. ..replied firmly, "SHE has not yet returned home.." . He could not identify...
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19 February, 2010

Smile Surrender Survive - dedicated Service

Fittest will Survive Finest will Smile Smile will surrender... Positively.. ...I will Survive to Smile and Surrender to the Service.. Smile is one and only language that world understands effortlessly. Perhaps, please don’t forget to brush your teeth ;) before you smile. Also remember to (Dedication to GREEN-Blog), keep the water-tap closed when water not used~  however let the smile flow...
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10 February, 2010

Everyone needs a Personal Cheerleader

Few weeks back I was watching “Australian Open” match, and something that captured my attention apart from the enforced match between the players was the cheerleaders present there. It took courage in me to convey my regards to have made the things willingly wonderful. I got speechless but the words ran in my mind with true emotions in my heart. An echo with bang in my head, “I would have been...
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