I wanted to prepare "CHOLE"..and this was the link which made evrything so easy for me.. Every thing was so step by step..that anybody can understand and do accordingly.
This receipe is taken from the http://www.ifood.tv/ and it is Chef Vibs.
Chef Vibs have been my Senior(Batch 2000-2003) in the Institute of Hotel Management,Ghy.Assam .
The link is as follows: http://www.ihmctanghy.org/Default.htm

This is the picture of the RAWALPINDI KE CHOLE is the one made learning from the recipe ...My preparation also looked as delicious as Chef Vibs made it....and the credit goes to Chef Vibs completely.
These days i m so much getting influenced and inspired by this incredible chef to cook...that my blogs and thoughts have tuned into the MENU CARDS...can only have food DISH and DRINKs......
I shall tag CHEF VIBS..as...follows!!!.. HE is the most intense, profound, powerful , passionate one for COOKiNG..
I have been reading & watching the recepies present in his ifood.tv site and...more i read....more i feel to be in the SMOKY-ZONE....cooking.....
I am extremely proud of Him..for all dat he hav achived..and willing to act in the most sincere motion to cook...or rather i should say...to COOK & CREATE....the delicious delights...i wish dat some day...his created delight-dish.. melts in my mouth..
Here wishing him ...all the best for ur life...dat is ur...PASSION....CoOKiNg....
SALUTE u "THE chef Vibs.."
Celebarte Cooking..
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