26 May, 2011

Drive you nuts!

NOTE: This post reflects the hallmark of feeling and more feelings, true emotions and few random scattered thoughts collectively brought together!

I don’t want to say a dwelling story or even tell my correct information which would reveal everything and every little emotion. I don't want you to perceive yet I want you to know the whole. I don't need a pretty face! I don't want even a minute go waste!
I just wish when I said things, they are faithfully with ease just as they are supposed to be ...ahh! I so badly want to believe..!

Someone like who does not question because I’m not here to give exam.
Someone like who fill the pause which I created with their hope.
Someone like who does not look for my excuses or reasons because I’m not here lying but telling the truth.
Someone like who fill the gap which I created with their conviction.
Someone like who understand the unsaid!
Someone like who fill the space which I created with their reliance!
Someone like who treats me like I’m with no expectation!
Someone like who meets me with a reassurance.
Someone like who is not bugged because of me as I miss to reply their worry,
Someone like who is willing when I aimlessly give a pretty stare!
Someone like who care when I stumble speculatively!
Someone like who holds me when I fall,
Someone like who forgives me as I do mistakes sometimes purposely!
Someone like who still loves me, when I let down, lose or lame,
Someone like who does not asks me but waits till I feel comfortable to confront!
Someone like who still want to know it all...
The mischief, mood swings and mysterious dreams,
Someone like who value the silly stuff precious in my own way!
The story, the toss, turns and tantrums,
Someone like who is aware of those secrete smiles between the arguments,
Someone like who still want to follow all the lanes I've been...

Something like a rule-book applies on them and not on me ever!
There is no escape...is it...!! So keep me safe!

Simple let that person be a nut-cracker and me be a nut-shell!

"Am I now driving you nuts!?!" .....*very innocently asking..*

Note: The above picture is from a movie Ice-Age of a Scrat is a "saber-toothed squirrel" who is obsessed/passionate with acorns (The acorn, or oak nut, is the nut of the oaks), constantly putting his life in danger to obtain and defend them

~ Keep the Spark ALive..

Hope you like this..my most favorite song from the singer who so much inspires me since childhood!
~ Don't BE STUPID..!! (You know I love you...)


  1. Bas, itna sa? :P :D

    It's not much to ask for, but then the one who would be a nutcracker to you, might also want the same from you.

    Nice post.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  2. @Blasphemous Aesthete

    hehe....haan bas itna hi...
    I know the list is small but precise I guess!

    Between...U said nutcracker will expect same from me dear..in that case I guess...U missed the line reading...
    "Something like a rule-book applies on them and not on me ever!" :P:D ;)

    ~ Keep the Spark ALive..

  3. Though everything you asked looks so simple but in reality might not be.... hehehehe and on the other hand if everything you asked would be granted you would then want someone to question you atleast smtimes.. LOL

    but truly very beautifuly portraited emotions. Love the way u develop the flow, love the way you execute it. Almost incredible piece Rachana :)

    God Bless you..!!


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